Brazilian: 100% Arabica, dark and medium roast
From the state of Minas Gerais, in the Cerrado (say-ha-do) region, this coffee grows in an area known for the richest savannah in the world.
Colombian: 100% Arabica, medium roast
These beans are grown in the volcanic soil of Santa Barbara at one of the few completely integrated coffee farms in Colombia, which ensures traceability and close quality control from the tree to the roastery.
Panamanian: 100% Arabica, medium roast
From the el Boquete region of Panama, grown in rich, volcanic soil at 3900 feet, has cherry and caramel notes and a creamy finish.
Peruvian: 100% Arabica, shade grown, medium roast
These beans are grown by the Cepicafe Cooperative, an umbrella organization that represents thousands of coffee, sugar, and fruit plantations. It is located in Northern Peru near Piura. Founded in 1995, the agency has helped regulate the price of green coffee, guaranteeing that farmers are paid a just wage.
Bolivian: 100% Arabica, shade grown, medium roast
A small group of native farmers grows this coffee in the Caranavi region near Los Yungas at an elevation of 4000-6000 feet. The ASIPAI cooperative aids these farmers in processing their coffees so that they will not ferment en route to La Paz for export. The ASIPAI also represents farmers to ensure a fair price for their labor.